Social Media University: Social 3.0 Part 2

Social can, and should be used for more than just Marketing. I can count on two hands and two feet how many times people have told me, “Twitter and Facebook are just for bored people, tweeting about their boring lives and bowel movements.” While this may be the case...

Social Media University: Understanding Social 3.0

magine. There you are on your first day of college. You saunter up to your first class, with the hope and happiness that comes from not having spent nights staring at a screen or piece of paper for 5 hours hopelessly trying write a paper about Shakespeare’s form,...

How Tech is Changing the Political Landscape

There is no doubt that we have seen a quickly evolving revolution of technology and web devices change the face of politics over the last two elections. In 2004, blogs began to influence the way that people read and understood news about the election and about the...